Winterizing your recreational boat correctly is certainly one of the least enjoyable aspects of owning a boat. But it is also one of the most important. With a relatively small investment of time and money, you can insure that your boat will be functioning perfectly when springtime rolls back around. Winterization is important financially (as it saves you from making potentially costly repairs), and it is also an important element of boating safety. (After all, should something go wrong over the … [Read more...]
Cross-Country Skiing Safety
7 Rules to Help you Stay Safe in Any Situation Google “Skiing Safety” and the first several pages worth of results will be virtually nothing but downhill skiing related. On a certain level, this makes sense--after all, there are many inherent dangers of downhill skiing that are unique to the sport. That being said, cross-country skiing still carries its own risks, and it’s important to be aware of them before embarking on a cross-country ski outing. Here are 7 important rules that can help keep … [Read more...]
Cross-Country Skiing Safety
7 Rules to Help you Stay Safe in Any Situation Google “Skiing Safety” and the first several pages worth of results will be virtually nothing but downhill skiing related. On a certain level, this makes sense--after all, there are many inherent dangers of downhill skiing that are unique to the sport. That being said, cross-country skiing still carries its own risks, and it’s important to be aware of them before embarking on a cross-country ski outing. Here are 7 important rules that can help … [Read more...]